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An Announcement From Our Owner, Nikki:

Big changes are happening at Glo Salon! I am excited to announce that Glo Salon will be operating under new ownership April 1, 2015.


Owning my own salon has been a dream of mine ever since I was 15 years old. I've owned and operated Glo Salon for just about five years now, and it's been nothing but an amazing, life changing experience. As the salon grows, I unfortunately find myself drifting further away from what I love to do (hair extensions) and spending more time with paper work and making sure everything runs smoothly. This is definitely something I was prepared for, but as I grow as a person, I'm starting to find much appreciation with the little things in life. Spending time with my clients, listening to their stories, becoming their friend, and being able to give them the absolute best service possible is always my priority. I believe that everything happens for a reason, and right when I started to feel as though I wasn't getting enough time with my clients, our salon rent was raised.


I contemplated finding a business partner to take off some of the load. While looking for a business partner, I got in touch with Ajay Popoff, the lead singer of Lit and part owner of Slidebar in Downtown Fullerton California. Ajay offered to take over as owner of the salon with his partner Cheez who manages Sublime and The Dirty Heads amongst other bands. With their "Rock and Roll" approach to everything, I knew this would be the perfect fit for Glo. Along with new owners Ajay and Cheez will be Tanya Foster, a platform artist, national educator, and owner of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang salon (the highest grossing salon per square foot in the country.) I'm confident that these three amazing people will be able to continue to make my dream grow to it's highest potential while still offering clients our laid back, fun, amazing atmosphere.


With every door that closes, another one opens. With every page turned, a new page with many more paragraphs immediately reaches out to you. As for me, I will continue to offer my services at Sola Salon Suites in Fullerton starting April 1, 2015. I will be sure to give everyone the new address when I confirm appointments. It's very close to Glo making it convenient for everyone to continue to come to both me and Glo Salon. I love my Glo family so much, they have all been such amazing people to work with. Our dynamic is so special, that is something I will truly miss and cherish during this change. I'm so excited for Glo Salon to grow with it's new owners, and I'm even more excited to have more one on one time with my clients at my new location.


If anyone has any questions, please don't hesitate to email me at

You can also call or text my cell phone at 213-787-HAIR (4247)

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